
Hi, I’m Anne.

Welcome to Visas & Vistas Travel blog. Anne document’s her adventures in travel, food, and travel agent life.

Airport Etiquette

Airport Etiquette

This past week I flew from Florida to Ohio. I fly this route ever 6-8 weeks. This past week, the airport was PACKED with travelers. Travel is rapidly returning. I thought now would be a great time to cover some basic airport etiquette. Here are a few things we shouldn’t be doing at the airport:

  • Walking on the wrong side of the walkways. Much like we drive on the right side of the road, we walk on the right side. This helps keeping the crowd flowing properly.

  • Using your speakerphone. No one needs to hear your conversation with your spouse, parent, or child. If you need to use your speakerphone find a secluded place to make the call.

  • Standing stationary in a walk way. If you stop in the middle of the walkway, everyone else around you has to stop or run into you. Step to the side to read a monitor or get your bearings as you figure out which way to walk.

  • Playing on your phone while walking. Distracted walking makes it easy for you to slow down causing others behind you to run into you or slow down the flow of the crowd.

  • Crowding the gate until your boarding number is called. There is a reason we board in groups. If your boarding group is not next, there is no need to crowd the gate. Others are trying to get through. Your number will be called and you have a seat. I promise.

  • Being unprepared when boarding. Have the items you want out of your carry on before boarding the plane. This speeds up the time you take putting your carry on in the overhead bin and quickly getting into your seat.

  • Disrespecting the armrests and leg room. The middle person gets the arm rest. No questions asked.

  • Putting your feet on the back of the seat in front of you. I am talking to you parents. Your kids have little legs. Don’t let them kick the seat in front of you.

  • Rushing the front of the plane on arrival. We were taught when we were little to take turns. Let the person in the row in front of you go first. It is common sense.

Traveling can be stressful. Have respect for your fellow travelers and airport employees. Practicing good airport etiquette can help ease some of the stress.

Contact us today if you are ready to practice your airport etiquette and get a trip on the calendar.

Email Anne

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