
Hi, I’m Anne.

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TSA Precheck or Global Entry

TSA Precheck or Global Entry

What is the quickest way to get through airport security or US Customs? TSA Precheck and Global Entry. These Federal traveler programs let you go through dedicated security lanes at the airport, which usually means faster and less intrusive screening. This benefit is a must have for a frequent travel, but can still be worth it for a once in a while traveler. If you think you will have at least one international trip, get Global Entry as it also includes TSA Precheck.


TSA PreCheck® is an expedited security screening program connecting travelers departing from the United States with smarter security and a better air travel experience. Passengers can apply for the TSA PreCheck® Application Program to determine if they are low-risk and eligible to receive expedited screening.

The best perk, aside from shorter lines, is all the things you don’t have to do. Everything stays in your bag and there is no need to take off your shoes and belt.

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The cost is the same as initial enrollment and renewal: $85 for 5 years

Apply for TSA Precheck Here


Global Entry is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) program that allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the United States. Members enter the United States through automatic kiosks at select airports. Travelers must be pre-approved for the Global Entry program. All applicants undergo a rigorous background check and in-person interview before enrollment.

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At airports, program members proceed to Global Entry kiosks, present their machine-readable passport or U.S. permanent resident card, place their fingerprints on the scanner for fingerprint verification and complete a customs declaration. The kiosk issues the traveler a transaction receipt and directs the traveler to baggage claim and the exit.

Global Entry also includes TSA Precheck.

The cost is the same as initial enrollment and renewal: $100 for 5 years

Apply for Global Entry Here

Once you are approved for either program, you will be assigned a KTN. You can now enter this number into your frequent flyer airline accounts and add it to any flights you purchase. If you have already purchased your flights, call (or look your ticket up online) the airline to have them add your known traveler number.

Do you already participate in one of these programs? Are you planning on signing up?

Contact us today to book your next trip.

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