Will I Get Seasick on a Cruise?
Seasickness is a common problem people experience while traveling by boat. It happens when your inner ear and your eyes send conflicting messages to your brain. It can lead to nausea, dizziness and ultimately vomiting. Seasickness can happen to anyone — including seasoned captains. The good news is, there are many ways to cure sea sickness. Here are some easy ways to beat seasickness if it takes hold of you:
The best thing you can do to treat seasickness is to prevent it from happening. Windstar cruises makes these recommendations when trying to prevent sea sickness or what to do if it is too late.
What happens if you are sailing and suddenly become seasick? Here are ways to prevent seasickness after you set sail:
Drink lots of water.
Wear an acupuncture wristband to suppress nausea.
Get as much fresh air as possible.
Stay in the middle of the boat.
Avoid spicy, greasy, high-fat foods and try to stick to a mostly bland diet.
Avoid reading or focusing your eyes on a phone.
Avoid rapid head movement.
Keep your eyes on the horizon.
Have no fear if you get seasick, generally within a day or two your body will adjust and you will feel back to normal.