
Hi, I’m Anne.

Welcome to Visas & Vistas Travel blog. Anne document’s her adventures in travel, food, and travel agent life.

Naples, Italy

Naples, Italy

One of our many stops in Italy was Naples. We stationed up in Naples for a few nights and explored the underground area as well as planned a few day trips to Pompeii and Capri. ⁠

We spent our first day in Naples getting to know the historic city. Namely the underground city. Running beneath the Italian city of Naples and the surrounding area is an underground geothermal zone and several tunnels dug during the ages. We spent the day exploring these caverns and learning about their history and use for the Greek, Roman, and World War II. ⁠

We spent a very long hot day traveling to Pompeii to see the city covered in ash by a volcano eruption. Mount Vesuvius volcano is most know for the eruption in 79 AD where it buried Pompeii in volcanic ash. This volcano has since erupted 50 or more times and is the only volcano on the European mainland to have erupted within the last hundred years. ⁠Today, it is regarded as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world.


It is estimated that from 1,500 to 2,000 people died in Pompeii during the eruption. Largely preserved under the ash, the excavated city offers a unique snapshot of Roman life, frozen at the moment it was buried. Remains, including wooden objects and human bodies, were entombed in the ash. ⁠So of the as preserved items is haunting. Also, if you get lost on the way to the borthel, just look for the penis carvings on the sidewalk to lead the way.

I was excited for our day trip to Capri. We stayed near the ferry port and walked over one morning to catch the ferry to the small island. ⁠Capri, known in Greek mythology as the isle of the sirens, was a favored resort of the Roman emperors. ⁠View from the piazzetta on the top of hill in Capri town. ⁠


On the ferry ride to Carpi we received some bad news about our private boat ride to a few of the grottos….namely the Blue Grotto. Due to the high winds, our boat ride had to be cancelled. I was pretty upset, but Tim lifted my spirits by renting some beach chairs and getting some blue frozen drink that I believe were called the blue grotto and helping me see that sometimes plans change and you just have to roll with it.


They say Naples is the birthplace for pizza. After we tried our fair share of pizza we decided we didn't care who invented it, this place knows how to make a pizza. We stumbled on to an alley restaurant to enjoy some pasta and share a pizza! Perfection!! ⁠

Contact us today if you are ready to take the trip to the Mediterranean.

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