
Hi, I’m Anne.

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Tulip Time Mania

Tulip Time Mania

Visiting the Netherlands during Tulip Time has always been on my bucket list. Tulips are my favorite flowers and seeing thousands of them in one place must be an amazing sight. I am checking this experience off my bucket list in April 2023.

What is Tulip Mania? 

It was in the 1600s that a Flemish botanist named Carolus Clusius first introduced the tulip to the Middle Ages-weary Dutch in 1593. The vibrant flower bloomed with rich hues not yet seen before in Western Europe. A fascination was soon born. The bulb quickly rose to an important status symbol.

The Dutch were living their Golden Age when Tulip Mania reached its fever pitch in 1637. It was the time of the Thirty Years War, and the Dutch intervention from 1625-1629, and its people were eager for something cheery and bright. Amsterdam merchants were making profits of up to 400% in the East Indies and wanted to show off their wealth with grand estates and magnificent gardens. The rarer and more unique, the pricier the flower.

Exalted names were bestowed upon the various breeds, giving fancy prefixes like ‘General’ or ‘Admiral,’ or even ‘Admiral of Admirals’ to some of the best-sellers. But it wasn’t just the wealthy who were besotted by the flower’s charms. Those less financially well-off were also enticed by promises of quick returns on investments. Some even remortgaged their homes for a chance to ride the tulip craze at a time when bulbs were reportedly changing hands as much as ten times a day.

The End of an Era 

Until the bubble burst. A wave of bankruptcy and financial woes quickly swept the country. Fortunes were made and lost overnight and some were left having traded valuable goods and commodities for a few now-virtually worthless bulbs. Fast-forward a few hundred years and even today, the term ‘Tulip Mania’ is still used as a cautionary phrase for any large economic bubble that may not last.  

Today’s Tulip Celebrations

While Tulip Mania may have long since ended, the tulip craze continues in the Netherlands as a celebrated part of the culture. The Dutch still dominate the worldwide tulip industry, producing over 4 billion bulbs annually, over half of which are grown into cut flowers. And there’s plenty of opportunity for anyone who loves to stop and smell the flowers between Amsterdam’s Tulip Museum, a national holiday, and private homes and gardens. 

The Beauty of the Keukenhof Gardens

Yet nowhere boasts as much flower power as the breathtaking Keukenhof Gardens. For only a few scant weeks between mid-March and mid-May, the Gardens showcase over 7 million planted bulbs on nearly 80 acres of greenery and welcome nearly a million visitors. Walking and biking paths, not to mention waterways and electrically-propelled whisper boats offer a chance to enjoy the fields in nearly any way you choose.

Do you want to join me on a Tulip Time Rive Cruise in the Netherlands and Belgium? I have just a few rooms left for my April 2023 group tour. Contact me today to get your room booked!

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